July 7, 2024
Although Pastor Shawn has been serving our congregation for the past year as one of the clergy
in the North Carroll Cooperative Parish, today, he comes to us in a completely new way. With
appreciation to our Baltimore Suburban District Superintendent, the Rev. Dr. Ann Laprade and
the authority of our presiding bishop Baltimore/Washington Conference Bishop LaTrelle
Easterling, Pastor Shawn has been officially “appointed “as our pastor. We celebrate as we
proclaim “bind us together Lord, bind us together with cords that cannot be broken.”
There is no better way to celebrate our unity as pastor and congregation than in the “breaking of
bread together”. We have set the table but Jesus is the host! He is the one who help us find
“common ground” in Him. At Mount Zion “all are welcome” at the “Table of the Lord”.
The Mt. Zion Summer Singers sang "I'm So Glad".
The Installation of Pastor Shawn Vollmerhausen
This week's News
This week's Bulletin
The VIDEO of the actual service at Mt. Zion today.