The Monthly GROWS GUIDE - > June Bulletin <

June 9, 2024 - Anniversary Sunday

This Sunday's Message - with Visiting Homilist Dave Stawick

This week's Insert

This week's Bulletin

The VIDEO of the actual service at Mt. Zion today.

Pastor Shawn was visited by two lovely ladies during Childrens Moments. (I didn't manage to catch the first few seconds, sorry. See the video of the actual service.)

The Faithful Few sang "On Eagle's Wings". (I didn't manage to catch the first few seconds, sorry. See the video of the actual service.)

Dan Armacost talked about The Past.

The "Old Timer's" sang "How Great Thou Art" and "Amazing Grace".

Jerry Knop talked about The Present. (As you can see, I had some trouble at the begining of this video. See the video of the actual service.)

After service we gathered in the Fellowship Hall for our annual Anniversary Luncheon.