The Monthly GROWS GUIDE - > March Bulletin <
March 3, 2024
The Faithful Few sang "O, the Blood of Jesus"
This Sunday's Message - with Rev. John B. Rudolph
This week's insert
This week's Bulletin
Last Sunday morning, February 25th, LaDonna Schemm, Chairperson of our Staff Parish Relations
Committee (The Staff Parish Relations Committee is responsible for personnel concerns within the
congregation) shared these words with the church congregation:
“It is my joy to share with you that Bishop LaTrelle Easterling (Bishop of the United Methodist
Baltimore-Washington Conference) has appointed Shawn Vollmerhausen as the new pastor of our
congregation. The appointment will take place on July 1st of this year. “At that point we will no
longer belong to the North Carroll Cooperative Parish. We will return to being our own
congregation. Although Pastor Shawn has been with us since July of last year, he has been part of
the North Carroll Cooperative Parish group of pastors and speakers. Beginning July 1st he will be
our Pastor “half time” at Mount Zion and working with our District Superintendent of the Baltimore
Suburban District Rev. Dr. Ann Laprade to find another “part time” congregation in our area. As a
congregation we celebrate this move and this appointment.
Our sanctuary Lenten Cross was made by our Pastor Shawn’s father, John. As Shawn entered the
Christian ministry John hand made the cross from old lumber. The crown of thorns was made from
a Juniper Tree found in Western Maryland. We will use this special cross throughout Lent, Holy
Week and Easter Day.